I can remember the day she was born like it was yesterday, everyone tells you stories of good and bad experiences of having a baby but no one could of ever prepared me for how much of heart this sweet little girl would take.The first time I saw her I was speechless for the first time in my life, shes more beautiful then I had ever imagined she'd be. I remember feeling in ah that heavenly father had trusted me to take care of one of his precious daughters, I loved her from the moment I knew she was mine. From then on it made me have way more respect for my mother, I finally understood why she did some of the things she did and it made me wish I would have treated her so much better. I felt scared because I didn't know what I was doing and compared my self to everyone around me, it was hard to go back to work and leave her with someone that was not me, I made myself feel guilty everyday and still do at times. I was scared she would not know me or have that great of a relationship with me, I saw the way she was with my husband and I knew she loved him. I longed for her to love me and my husband being the amazing man that he is gave me a blessing and it was amazing I know that every child is sent to the home they are suppose to be in and I thank my savior everyday for sending her to me. I am learning how to be patient, to rely on my savior, to be selfless, and most importantly what it means to have an eternal family. This sweet little spirit of mine is such a an amazing gift every day I look at her, I cant believe she is mine. She melts my heart when she laughs or smiles and no matter what she is happy only if she has not eaten. She makes everyday worth living just to see light in her eyes. I cant tell my heavenly father enough how grateful I am that he is letting me be a mother the greatest gift he has ever given me!
Picture Perfect!
8 years ago
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