Jayla was born in June of 2011, she weighed 7lb and 10oz. and was 19 inches long. She was so beautiful we had never seen such a hairy baby though. She was born with a full head of hair and it was every where ha ha, our little monkey. Never did we know that we could love something so much. She has changed our lives in so many ways for the better. I remember thinking before she was born am I going to be good at this, is this really what I want, I will be poor and my body will never be the same well it was worth everything! When she smiles at me she melts my heart she is our whole world. I can see now we were a commanded in the church to have children it teaches you to be selfless and I learn so much from her even though she is only 6 months old. The holidays have been a blast spending them with her and especially because this is mine and Josh's first year actually spending the full holidays together. Its funny how when you have a baby you seem to want to be into crafts, and I have all these little projects I want to do. Then I decided oh I want our family to do this and this and this... Im so very grateful for all I have been given. This Christmas it was so fun to be able to watch Jayla play with the wrapping paper, oh how I wish it could be this simple every Christmas ha ha. We also had the opportunity to play Marry and Joseph with jayla being baby Jesus for my mom and dads ward party. What a very humbling experience it was. It made me reflect on the birth of our savior and how Marry must have felt and I think that I am uncomfortable when I am pregnant I cant imagine how it must of felt back then. What an amazing woman she was and is. It also made me realize that I bet baby Jesus cried and wiggled just like my little girl dose! The best gift of all was the gift I gave Josh! My client had given me a clever idea to surprise him for Christmas, She made a Seahawks basket to go see the Seatle Seahawks play the Arizona Cardinals on New years day and the game is in Arizona. So we got to see the IlI's our family in arizona that we havent seen sense our wedding. Leilani and DJ had their cute baby boy Talis a couple of weeks after Jayla so I wanted her to meet him as well! He was so excited ,we all got seahawk tshirts to wear to the game. After our very long week with Jayla, she cracked her skull by hitting it on the stairs daddy accidentally fell down the stairs with her. I felt so bad for them both, Josh of course felt awful and our poor baby girl was in so much pain, luckily our prayers were answered and she is healing quickly and great! Our trip was so much fun! We loved getting to spend time with the Ili's! I got to go for a ride on a motorcycle thank you bobby was a daring experience! We loved the football game, different experience we had great seats the fans totally get way more into those games then some of the professional baseball games Ive been too! Everyone was standing, so of course I had to stand if I wanted to see which at times were hard when Im holding a sleeping baby. Its funny she sleeps so much better when everyone around her is so very loud! The best part of the trip was playing quelf with the Ili's, if you haven't played that game go check it out its the best game ever if you have the right people so fun!
Jayla loving the Christmas tree and getting ready to hang her first ornament! |
My family went to the Belliago to look at the lights and then afterwards we went to Serendipity to have the frozen hot chocolate and in mine an Josh's opinion not that great ha ha but it was fun!
Jayla's christmas present the Bumbo seat which she cant decide if she likes!
Christmas Eve with the Noa Family!
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