I love getting her ready for church its so fun!Now if I could look as cute as her.....
Well I got called to teach in the primary the ctr6 so the 6 year olds so much fun I am loving it so far, kids say the darnest things. Last week when I was teaching my lesson this kid raises his hand in the middle of the lesson and says teacher I have cavities and then all the other kids start talking about there teeth so funny I tried really hard not to laugh! Being in the primary has made me truly see how God loves all the little children no matter what the circumstances maybe and they are just so sweet and innocent. Yes of course there are those kids that just try you patience and at the end of the day you just want to runaway from ha ha but I find if I just laugh it off to my self it makes everything so much better. It has helped me to become a better mother, I think we all seem to forget at one point or another that they are children and they dont understand, yes they cant and shouldn't get away with everything but we need to let them be children and teach them in kind loving way that will help them understand. Now I am not perfect at this at all, just last night after the 4th time of Jayla waking up in the middle of the night and me not getting any sleep, I just wanted to scream at her and tell her to go to bed and every little sound she made annoyed the heck out of me. Then I looked at her sweet innocent little face and I said a prayer that I would be blessed with patience, after that I realized she is just a baby she doesn't understand and I need to be an example to her, I need to stay calm no matter what and I need to watch what I say and how I act and react to things. I love sundays so much its my time to reflect back on my week and see what I can improve on for the next week. How grateful I am for a father in heaven who loves me and has given me everything I need to get back to him. I am at awe when I think about his unconditional love for me, words cant describe hoe much I love him and the beautiful life he has blessed me with!
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