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Happily Ever After Starts Now

Happily Ever After Starts Now

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

KeKoa Jame Noa

KeKoa James Noa was born October 10, 2012 at 7:23 p.m. and was 17 inches long. He was born three weeks early, it was kind of a scary experience. I was seeing the dr twice a week because I had high fluids and so I went in for my usual check up when he checked to see how far I was dilated he looked at me and said you are at a 4 in a half and 90% thinned out and then he said you are going to have this baby tomorrow which honestly being a bed rest for two months I should of been super excited but I was really nervous cause I could tell he was keeping something from me. So I asked what time I should be at the hospital the next day and they said we will call you tomorrow. So I called Josh and he couldn't believe what was happening and of course I started crying I just wasn't sure I was ready for this just barely got use to having one and actually feeling like I was a mom and some what good at being a mom and now I have to start all over again. Well I waited all morning to hear back from them and they never called so I sent Josh to work thinking I probably wouldnt go in until late at night. Well I decided to take Jayla to the park, as we get to the park I get a phone call from Dr Paul's nurse and she said that they are super busy at the hospital but I needed to have my baby that day so he wanted me to go to the labor and delivery room and fake like I was going into labor and then he would make sure I had my baby, and well of course I asked if she was serious and she laughed and said yes. So I called Josh he turned around and came home and we waited an hour for my mom to drive in so she could watch Jayla.  Well as we drove up to the hospital Josh and I talked about how we are going to make this look real ha ha , I was going to breath really heavenly and barely talk and he would tell them he thought his wife was going into labor it was quite funny!  Well they of course knew me at the hospital ha ha they hooked up to the monitor turns out I was really having bad contractions but I couldn't feel them which was funny, then dr paul was there came in and checked me and told the nurse to get me a room cause I was going to have my baby today because the baby was floating in my stomach and they were afraid  the umbilical cord was going to come through the cervix thats why he wanted me in there so bad well then I of course was freaking out inside but I knew Dr paul would not let anything happen to my baby. So they got my room ready and Dr Paul said we are going to break her water as soon as she gets in the room and well they of course prepared for a flood ha ha, but when dr paul broke my water nothing came out and then he had another dr come over to my stomach and hold the baby in position while they ran there hand down my stomach to push the water out, and lets just say it was a very brutal delivery cause my poor baby  would not come down the birth canal I wont go into detail its to graphic but  I was trying really hard not to get an epideral, I just would like to see if it feels better without drugs but I did end up getting it when I was at an 8 1/2 and that hurt cause the guy stuck me in the wrong place and had to retry which was scary but Im alive ha ha.  The dr came in a little bit after that and  told me I had to push because his heart rate was dropping so fast so as I pushed he physically stretched my cervix more and Yes I was screaming Josh said I have never heard Carlie ever scream like that! I tore really bad but he finally came and I started crying because they could not get him to breath and after the longest two minutes of my life he let out a lil tiny cry. I cant express to my heavenly father enough how grateful I am to be a mother and to take care of his sweet little children!  It has been hard because this poor lilttle boy has had so many health problems but he is getting stronger everyday and his big sister loves his to pieces I love watching her interact with him our family is growing and Josh and I have never been Happier!

                                Im so grateful to have such an amazing Dr, thank you for everything!

                                          Words cant describe how in love I am with this little boy! I love being a mom it may be hard and I may never have time to get ready or do alot of things but I wouldn't have it any other way!



So happy for you! He looks so good!


Oh gosh car... I didn't know it was a complicated delivery.... Being a mom is such a great thing... Glad your little boy is doing well... I hear so many good things about dr Paul from people and the nurses that I work with... A lot of people have told me to go see him when I get pregnant again (whenever that may be)

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