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Happily Ever After Starts Now

Happily Ever After Starts Now

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life Lately!

This week Josh will basically start his last semester of College well until he gets his master's program! So excited for him even though he will be super busy and it will be a lot of hard work on his part, I am just so proud of him and grateful to have an amazing husband! Jayla is in the rolling stage, she rolls everywhere its so fun to watch her. But she is also the sudden getting so fussy out of no where which is just not like her now Im sure it comes with the age and that she is teething.. This teething thing is so awful I just feel so bad for her that she has been teething sense she was 2 months old and she still has not gotten any teeth now on the other note I kind of do not want her  getting teeth because I do not want to get bet thank you very much! The last two notes she has been very good about going to bed kind of on her own, I do the routine and put her in her crib she fusses maybe for a minute and then falls asleep now KNOCK ON WOOD I hope this continues, but I do have to say I am not perfect and I do have a problem with letting her cry so I do tend to pick her up but I dont have a problem with dealing with that, I am a firm believer that everyone can give you advance or say how they do it and you take what you want from it but you do what works best for you, I know love advance and am grateful for it but I know the lord has blessed me with knowing how I should do things for my child and I am so grateful for that. I am so grateful to be a mother and it is hard work! Today I got called to teach in primary to the ctr 6 I am super super excited for this calling I love children and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, learn, and teach our heavenly fathers children I know that this will help me to be a better wife and mother. This week I just feel so much gratitude I am so amazed at what I have been given I have been taking this challenge that my sister n law whom I adore Juelaine has  given me she got me a journal and told me to write down in it every day something I was grateful for and WOW it was made such an impact on my life! I find myself being way more positive, able to handle things that come my way and wanting to serve others with all my heart. This journal has made me realize I think I have it bad but wait did I forget everything I have been given its so amazing to me how big of a difference this has made in my life and I am so grateful for it. This weekend I got to spend a fun Saturday with my family ( jayla and josh) Oh it made me realize how I much I love doing everything with them, and I want to take more days off just to be with them I feel like my work owns me most of the time new years resolution is to change that, dont get me wrong I love my work but priorities!  I love the new year! That we can take the time and reevaluate how are life's are going and what we can work on to make it better! I am so looking forward to this new year and all my new goals I have planned!


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