She can sit up all by her self! She looks like such a big girl! It feels like yesterday she was just so fragile and we had to make sure we held her head every time we would hold her and now look at her she is sitting all by her self! It truly amazes me how fast she is growing! She just turned 7 Months this Thursday and in 5 months she will be 1 what the heck!
Jayla and I went on a little outing with our bestest friend Bonnie and her little nephew Nash (such a cute name)! We took them to the Silverton Bass Pro Shop! It was so neat never had really been there but they have a lot of really cool displays in there not to mention the awesome live fish tank! And of course when we got there this is what Jayla decided to do, she couldn't sleep in the car she had to fall asleep after she got out of the car ha ha silly girl you have it backwards.
This was one of the many cool displays they had there! So many fun things for kids to look at!
And if you must know the truth I woke her up ha ha, I just couldn't have her missing all the fun things there was to see, bad mother I know but hey I am the one who had to deal with her and she was GREAT!
She loved it! There was so much to look at! I personally think fish are so weird looking and kind of nasty ha ha. I kept thinking to myself wow heavenly father sure has a sense of humor! And I wanted to know what she was thinking, like what are these weird creatures and what are they doing!
This picture tells me how smart babies really are and I can tell that she is just amused!